How Should I Wash My Face?

How Should I Wash My Face?

“How often should I wash my face?” is one of the MOST common questions I got while working as an esthetician. While the answer may seem obvious to some, properly washing your face is definitely not a one size fits all answer. To offer the best solution, this question really needs to be broken into two parts: 1) How often should I wash my face? and 2) How should I wash my face? For the first question we’re talking frequency, and for the second we’ll cover how the technique and sequence of cleansing your skin based on skin type. 

    1. Oily Skin--People with oily skin types tend to over-wash their face, which actually leads to your skin producing more oil. Why? Our skin needs some oil, in order to both moisturize and act as a protective barrier. But when we constantly strip our skin of these oils, the skin will compensate by producing more. For oily skin types, I recommend washing 2x per day, morning and night. In the morning, using a foam cleanser is great for gently cleaning the skin without stripping it. For nighttime, I recommend double cleansing. Start with a cleansing oil to dissolve any makeup/sunscreen, and finish with a gel cleanser to ensure all impurities are removed from the skin. 
    2. Combination Skin--Combination skin can be a little tricky since certain areas of the face behave differently and can fluctuate depending on the seasons. When it comes to cleansing, I recommend sticking with a gentle, simple approach and swapping products when needed. In the warmer months, it might be better to opt for lightweight, gel/foam cleansers. But in the cooler months, skin might need richer cream cleansers for hydration. For combo skin types, I recommend washing 2x per day, morning and night. In the morning, using a foam cleanser is great for gently cleaning the skin without stripping it. For nighttime, I recommend double cleansing. Start with a cleansing oil to dissolve any makeup/sunscreen, and finish with a gel cleanser to ensure all impurities are removed from the skin. 
    3. Dry Skin--Dry skin is another skin type that can be worsened by over-cleansing. For dry skin types I still recommend washing 2x per day however, if the skin is feeling particularly dry, you might want to only cleanse once. If this is the case, cleanse during your nighttime routine and simply use water or a clean wash cloth in the morning. However often you decide to cleanse, use oil-based cleansers in order to preserve and add back oils the skin needs. 
    4. Sensitive Skin--For sensitive skin types, the general rule of thumb is less is more. For sensitive skin types I still recommend washing 2x per day however, if the skin is feeling particularly sensitive, you might want to only cleanse once. If this is the case, cleanse during your nighttime routine and simply use water or a clean wash cloth in the morning. However often you decide to cleanse, oil-based and/or milky cleansers will be the least irritating. Avoid any cleansers with harsh actives and be as gentle as possible. 

Washing your face needs to be a daily part of all skin care routines, regardless of skin type. I hope these tips serve as a good guide for how best to do it! 

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